Learn more about the Sisters who you'll meet at KC Vocation Day


Sisters Poor of Jesus Christ

Jesus all, all of Jesus. This is the phrase that covers and summarizes the entire Charism of the Sisters of the Poor of Jesus Christ. There is in us a deep will and even a bold desire to want Jesus entirely and to be His completely. Our Community, impelled by the Holy Spirit to preserve and fulfill Jesus's words, go out to the poor wherever they may be.


Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest

As part of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest and sharing its spirituality, the Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest are given to a life of adoration with the particular vocation to render present the adoration of Our Lord in the world and to pray for the sanctification of priests, especially those of the Institute, and to support them in their apostolates.

Being a semi-contemplative community, the professed Sisters also give themselves to apostolic work such as teaching catechism, leading groups for young ladies, serving spiritual retreats preached by Canons of the Institute, and serving wherever the Canons need their assistance, according to God’s Providence. The sisters seek to share their life of adoration with the world around them, so that Christ the King reigns in every heart and in every aspect of society.


Little Sisters of the Lamb

Witnesses of the mystery of the Lamb, the Little Sisters of the Lamb go as pilgrims, praying, poor, and begging in the footsteps of Saint Dominic and Saint Francis to encounter the poorest of this world, so that all, rich and poor alike, might receive the Light of the Gospel: Jesus, the Lamb of God – the tenderness of the Father for all men. The Church sends us “as lambs” in the midst of the world. As we go, in the footsteps of the Lamb, “wounded, we will never cease to love” (Motto of the Community).


Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity

The Society of Apostolic Life of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity is a community of women who through the public profession of vows of chastity, poverty and obedience bind themselves to live a life in oneness with Christ as His consecrated spouses and to witness to the reality of Christ’s Church. We dedicate our entire lives to God, who is loved most of all, to fraternal life in community, to the building up of the Church and to bringing others into communion with the Most Holy Trinity.


Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary

The Servants of the Pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary are a Religious Institute of Sisters of Diocesan Right founded on August 15, 1990, by Mother Adela Galindo in the Archdiocese of Miami, FL USA. Our Charism is to be a living image and presence of the Heart, Person, and Mission of Our Lady and place the gift and potentialities of our feminine genius and Marian Charism in loving communion and service of the Apostolic-Petrine principle, thus enfleshing the all-embracing Motherhood of Our Lady in the Heart of the Church.

All that our religious vocation and the life of our Institute entails is to be in total identification with the Heart, Person, and Mission of Our Lady, which is the fruit of daily conversion and permanent formation to grow in the gift of Marianization. Throughout all our apostolic missions, we desire to manifest the all-embracing Motherhood of Our Lady which calls us to enter with our Marian charism in all the dimensions of ecclesial and human life.


Servants of Mary

Our charism as Servants of Mary is the gift granted by the Holy Spirit to Saint María Soledad and in her to all her daughters for the purpose of participating in the salvific mission entrusted by Christ to His Church: “Cure those who are sick, and say, the kingdom of God is very near to you” (Lk 10, 9). We fulfill this mission at the bedside of the sick, caring for them diligently and gratuitously, preferably in their own homes.

This charismatic grace is reflected in the spirituality handed down to us by our Holy Mother Foundress: Contemplative in action Abandoned to Providence Collaborator with Christ and Mary in the salvation of mankind.

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Sisters of Saint Francis of the Holy Eucharist

The Sisters of Saint Francis of the Holy Eucharist are a community of diocesan right in the diocese of Kansas City-St Joseph. We are called to be little and humble in imitation of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

We live this call through education and retreat ministry and through prayer, common life, and manual labor.