Learn more about the Priests and Laity who you'll meet at KC Vocation Day

Diocesan Vocation Directors

Fr. Nathan Rueb from the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese and Fr. Dan Morris from the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas guide those discerning a vocation to serve the faithful in a diocese.

Fathers of Mercy

The Fathers of Mercy is a Marian Congregation founded in France in response to the French Revolution given the unique mission of bringing back those Catholics that have fallen away from the fold of the Church or become lukewarm in the practice of their faith.

Today, the Fathers of Mercy continue this work in America by being dispensers of God's Mercy through the administering of the sacraments as we travel around the country preaching parish missions, conferences and retreats as well as staffing Church's in rural or neglected areas that are most in need of Catholic priests. Our focus is getting Catholics to live a truly Catholic life and working for the salvation of souls by getting people to restart their lives through the sacrament of Confession, ultimately returning to our Lord in the Eucharist.


Institute of Christ the King

The mission of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest is to spread the reign of Christ in all spheres of human life by drawing from the millennial treasury of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly her liturgical tradition, the unbroken line of spiritual thought and practice of her saints, and her cultural patrimony in music, art and architecture.

Diocesan Priests

Local priests serve in parishes and missions throughout the greater Kansas City area.

Mike and Ginny Skoch

Mike and Ginny have seven children, one of whom is a diocesan priest.